Articoli e pubblicazioni
Qui mostriamo una serie di articoli generali e altri più specifici sulle applicazioni della crioterapia. Per vederli, clicca sulla sezione che ti interessa e poi puoi scaricare l’articolo.
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- Articoli scientifici sportivi
- Articoli scientifici analgesia
- Articoli scientifici Malattie reumatiche
- Articoli Sclerosi multipla
- Articoli scientifici Spondilite anchilosante
- Articoli scientifici Muscolo scheletrico
- Articoli scientifici Salute mentale
- Articoli scientifici Terapia antiossidante
- Articoli scientifici di varie patologie
Visualizzazione dei collegamenti in PDF
- Beneficial effects of the Whole-Body Cryotherapy on sport haemolysis
- Changes in lipid profile in response to three different protocols of Whole-Body Cryoestimulation treatments
- Could Whole-Body Cryotherapy (below −100°C) improve muscle recovery from muscle damage?
- Cryotherapy for acute ankle sprains
- Cryothérapie corps entier à –110 °C. Mesure des températures cutanées et centrale chez le sportif
- Effect of recovery mode on postexercise vagal reactivation in elite synchronized swimmers
- Effects of Whole-Body Cryotherapy vs. Far-Infrared vs. Passive Modalities on Recovery from Exercise-Induced Muscle Damage in Highly-Trained Runners
- Effects of Whole-Body cooling to 110 ºC on heart rate during endurance sports and at rest
- Effects of Whole-Body Cryotherapy on serum mediators of inflammation and serum muscle enzymes in athletes
- Bone remodelling biomarkers after whole body cryotherapy (WBC) in elite rugby players
- Hematological profile and martial status in rugby players during Whole-Body Cryostimulation
- Influence of 10 sessions of WBC on aerobic and anaerobic capacity
- La cryothérapie corps entier. Experience cycliste profesionelle
- Physical exercise combined with Whole-Body Cryotherapy in evaluating the Level of lipid peroxidation products and other oxidant stress indicators
- Whole-Body Cryotherapy in Athletes
- Réponses physiologiques liées à une immersion en eau froide et à une cryostimulation-cryothérapie en corps entier: effets sur la récupération après un exercice musculaire
- The effect of Whole-Body cryostimulation on lysosomal enzyme activity in kayakers during training
- The influence of Whole-Body cryostimulation treatment on the dynamics of maximal anaerobic power
- The Whole-Body Cryotherapy in sports injuries and sports related pain syndromes treatment
- Time-Course of changes in inflammatory response after Whole-Body Cryotherapy multi exposures following
severe exercise
Visualizzazione dei collegamenti in PDF
Visualizzazione dei collegamenti in PDF
- Impact of 10 sessions of whole-Body Cryostimulation on cutaneous microcirculation
- La cryothérapie corps entier: une nouvelle approche thérapeutique
- Cryotherapy: Physiological considerations and applications to physical therapy
- Thermal and hemodynamic response to whole-body cryostimulation in healthy subjects
- Clinical Relevance of Whole-Body Cryotherapy
- Whole-Body Cryotherapy: The three levels of cure
- Could whole-body cryotherapy (below −100°C) improve muscle recovery from muscle damage?