Applicazioni della crioterapia in medicina
Qual è il vantaggio della crioterapia in salute?
- Problema bronchiale
- Malattie mediate dall’Immune
- Psoriasis
- Dermatite atopica
- Neurodermatitis
- Artrosis
- Dolore cronico
- Spondilite anchilosante
- Sclerosi multipla
- Equilibrio e coordinamento del movimento
- Cinema cerebrale infantile
- Sindrome della colonna vertebrale
- Tendinopatías
- Fibromialgia
- Artrite reumatoide
- Disturbi del sonno
- Insomnia Primaria
- Insonnia secondaria
- Stress, ansia o depressione
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Metzger D, Zwingmann C, Protz W, Jäckel WH. 2000. Whole body cryotherapy in rehabilitation of patients with rheumatoid diseases – pilot study. Rehabilitation (Stuttg); 39(2):93-100
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Rymaszewska J, Ramsey D, Chladzinska S. 2008. Whole Body Cryotherapy as adjunct treatment of depresive and anxiety disorders. Arch. Inmunol.Ther. Exp. 56, 63-68.
Szczepariska-Gieracha J, Borsuk P, Pawik M, Rymaszewska J. 2013. Mental state and Quality of life after 10 session whole body cryotherapy. Psychol Health Med 19(1):40-6.